Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Inspiration Project

I think it's interesting to know where food comes from, besides "the store". I wanted to make this an open-ended type of presentation, hence the questions in each section. I was also hoping to incorporate what students eat at home or what they have tried in their lives. I would love for students to make their own or add what is applicable to them to my example. This could lead into all sorts of other projects, field trips, and hands on experience. I like that in inspiration you can always add on or change as the class grows.

When Using Inspiration...

10 Rules for Using Inspiration

          1.      Keep it age-appropriate

          2.      Keep it simple

          3.      Be competent with the program

          4.      Use colors that make it stand out

          5.      Make the flow of the presentation consistent with the subject matter

          6.      Avoid clutter

          7.      Integrate other topics

          8.      Keep it open-ended for further discussion/ sub-lessons

          9.      Use the program when it coordinates with the material

          10.  Make it easy to follow